Talkie Trivia

Talkie Trivia

After moving to Edwardsville, I’ve tried to attend bar trivia every Tuesday night. My teammates are not always able to make it, though.

That usually means we go twice a month, but it’s still enjoyable.

There’s something about minor facts that makes you feel better about yourself. This is similar to how not knowing basic information makes you feel like an idiot.

My favorite is the third round of every trivia night at our local establishment: Movie Trivia.

I love movies. They are pure entertainment. I often watched them with my Dad, even though they weren’t my favorite. Then, as college came around And I got a DVD for my computer, the whole world opened up. From The Matrix to Caddy Shack, I just wanted more.

The bar movie trivia is straightforward. The trivia master reads a sentence or two descriptions of the movie, and you have to give the film’s name correctly.

I struggled with romantic comedies and movies before the 1980s, but otherwise, I can usually figure it out even if I haven’t seen the film.

Meanwhile, games like Wordle, Worldle, and Weddle have seeped into our lives.

There is a movie trivia game that fits this mold well, But, I want to create my own to help me practice for round three of my local trivia.

The Pitch

I will create an app that gives you a movie description and forces you to guess the movie title.

Pretty Basic

The data is available from and can be fetched and stored. It does not require any external calls besides image loading. Thirty fields can be returned in the movie details, but we only need the movie title and “overview.”

For example, for the movie 17473, we would see an overview of:

Johnny is a successful banker with great respect for and dedication to the people in his life, especially his future wife Lisa. The happy-go-lucky guy sees his world being torn apart when his friends begin to betray him one-by-one.

I want to try to break the “overview” into sections. You can insert breaks after each sentence, but that will generally only give you two chances. If you wanted to break it into five different pieces, you could rigidly select 1/5th of the words in order.

  • Johnny is a successful banker with great respect for …
  • and dedication to the people in his life,
  • especially his future wife Lisa. The happy-go-lucky …
  • guy sees his world being torn apart when …
  • his friends begin to betray him one-by-one.

It works reasonably well. You will get some odd breaks, but it’s easier than manually editing each movie’s summary.

Let’s throw in bonus points for naming director and year and get excited about talkie-trivia!


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