Halloween is just around the corner as another excuse for adults to drink more than they should because their kids get more candy than they should.

Sometimes all it takes is a name to sell a product. Build-A-Bear did it. So why not knock them off?

The Pitch
Ship all the supplies and tools you need to build your very own bar in a single box.
This is Dumb

It’s a bar in a box. Someone needs it.
Imagine you’re at a tailgate, and you don’t have a bar. Don’t you wish you could just quickly put together a bar so you could have a drink?

How is this any different than a simple table?


To sell a box of wood, you need to sell a dream.

People don’t want to be sitting in their basement; they want to be sitting at a bar.

They want to appreciate their ability to create something with their bare hands while thinking about how great it would be if deers had hands.

The box itself could be a wooden crate with already cut pieces of wood tied together.
Why Now?
Wood continues to be an expensive item during the pandemic and although it is not near the enormous highs earlier in the year, it is still a large expense.
If we enter into a market while costs are high, consumers will not blush an eye to pay the same next year, even though prices will have fallen. We’ll have them hooked.
No one will only want one bar, they’ll need them in their bedrooms and bathrooms. Wherever they hid their alcohol, they can display it with pride.