When choosing a university to attend, you should envision a place that accepts all cultures and lifestyles. Whether you identify as a member of the LGBT community or not, 17% of college students identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, queer, or questioning. These students should feel welcomed and accepted at the universities they attend.
Giving a score or rating to a school on its LGBT friendliness is difficult, but some resources try. The website Campus Pride creates an index around questions they ask universities about their policies and procedures. Other lists come from:
Princeton Review also has a list of LGBTQ-unfriendly schools.
If you are transgender, a Google document provides an excellent place to start when finding the right college. Make sure you keep track of bills that may be passed in the states where you want to attend.
Top Universities on Campus Pride
Unfortunately, only 21 of the Top 50 US schools are included in Campus Pride’s index.
5 Stars
- University of Pennsylvania (12)
- University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (18)
- Washington University in St. Louis (37)
- University of Maryland (85)
- University of Pittsburgh (87)
- Penn State (95)
- University of Rochester (112)
- Rutgers University (130)
- University of Colorado Boulder (147)
- Tufts University (148)
- Purdue University (168)
4.5 Stars
- Harvard University (1)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2)
- University of California – Berkeley (14)
- Cornell University (17)
- University of Wisconsin (50)
- Emory University (79)
4 Stars
- Northwestern (20)
- Michigan State University (118)
3.5 Stars
The Others
Being listed on campus pride is voluntary.
Schools can ask to be excluded if they don’t like the score they received. This creates an awkward situation where a school’s not being listed may mean it is not accepting of LGBT students or hasn’t submitted the documentation.
No matter your gender or sexuality, educate yourself on how your future college treats your fellow human beings.