I continue to evaluate my streaks and what their future holds. Part 1
Blogging (681-day streak)

I managed to get a blog post out every Tuesday and blogged every day in 2022. My blog veered away from my usual writings, but it was what I was interested in learning about. I wanted to help Logan prepare for college.
I would say the burning desire to blog is not there, but making posts like these help me realize why I do it in the first place. I like learning new things. I like finding GIFs.

I like making myself laugh.
Verdict: Keep on bloggin’
Journaling (673-day streak)

Switching to Penzu has helped make this less of a chore. I enjoyed my handwriting, but mixing the two was too much. It now takes only a few minutes each day, and I can even do it from my phone.
As long as I get at least 100 words down. I’m happy.

I think there is value in remembering your previous day. I don’t try to get too deep, but I like to reflect on the day’s events and how they made me feel.
Verdict: Journal daily via Penzu
Video Games (734-day streak)

Not every streak has to be about “self-improvement.”

I’m glad I have taken on this streak, as I can use video games as a lure to get me on the treadmill. Or I can whip out my phone and play a game of Retro Bowl and get some enjoyment. My kids play lots of video games now, but rarely with me. I like to show them that I enjoy playing, and they can play with me.
My youngest is impressed that I not just 100%’d Cuphead but got S-Rank on every single boss.

I also beat Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out back-to-back while running at 7MPH on a treadmill.

Verdict: A Video Game a day keeps the sadness away.
Playing an Instrument (955-day streak)

I have advanced through Synthesia and put together my third annual Liza Szymanski holiday piano recital. But I also decided I needed to learn more about the craft. So I started playing apps on my phone to help teach me the different keys of the piano.
I have not advanced as much as someone truly dedicated to the craft, but I am starting to feel ready to try to make my music.
Verdict: Keep tickling the ivories
Shaving (1828-day streak)

A great way to keep yourself at an appropriate weight is to see yourself naked in the mirror daily. Then, you can hide from yourself easily and quickly put on pounds until your clothes stop fitting.
I see shaving similarly. I want to see my face in its best state daily. I don’t want to hide my double chin or avoid my imperfections. It makes me feel responsible, not an unemployed waste of space.
Verdict: Shave every day
Teeth Care (2190-day streak)

Sure, I brush and floss my teeth, but I haven’t been to the dentist in three years.
Verdict: See a dentist in 2023
Writing Code (881-day? streak)

I have been writing code all year and have an app that works locally. I don’t spend more than fifteen minutes each day, but I managed to do some things I didn’t think I could do.
As the tech stock market crashes, it is probably for the best that I keep my skills sharp.
Verdict: Get an app on an app store in 2023.
Coming Next Week
No Caffeine. Sobriety. Reading. Vitamins. Meditation. Food Tracking