I have been working on a list of songs.

These songs are vanilla. Generally pop or mainstream songs.
If you look at the list, you may assume it’s a generic Millennial bop list.

Barbie may have stolen some of my thunder, but I promise this song has been on my list for years.
What I Want
I want to create videos that do what Weird Al does but for video instead of audio. I want to keep the audio from a song and make a completely different music video.

To my understanding, I don’t think I could make any money of this and I would assume the artists could ask for it to be taken down, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think it could be funny.
For Example
Imagine the song MakeDamnSure by Taking Back Sunday.
A very emo song from 2006. But imagine that song is really about a person’s love affair with fruit roll-ups.

This is a very emo song from 2006. But imagine that the song is really about a person’s love affair with fruit roll-ups.
We focus on interpreting as much of the lyrics as possible.
- “I just wanna break you down so badly” – tearing apart the roll-up.
- “You are red, violent red. You hollow out my hungry eyes” – bright red roll-up placed over their face.
- “No, you won’t ever get too far from me” – hilarity ensues as the person devolves into obsession.
Get excited for next week when I give the complete music video treatment.