Mindful Meditation

Over 1000 days ago, sometime in September 2018 I started a daily meditation. I have missed two days since then, so my current streak is only a little over 250 days, but it's something I have…

FIRE Drawdown Plan

Most people don't think about their retirement at all. A smaller portion contributes to a small portion to their 401K and assumes they'll figure it out when they get old enough. But almost no one thinks…

Tinder for Kids

My brother gave me this idea... He may have presented it a lot more eloquently, but I enjoy this phrasing much more. There's a standard pitching strategy when you have a new startup idea. You compare…

Intermittent Fasting for a Year

I spent most of my childhood enjoying sweets and playing video games. Food helped me through difficult times, including those when I felt bad about being overweight. This scene in Austin Powers really summed things up…