Baseball's biggest chess match is between the hitter and the pitcher. Each pitch generates a new set of possible outcomes. A batter gets on base almost 94% of the time if the pitcher gets them to…
Showers make me wet. A towel is no defense for the amount of dampness I experience. Ok, Tommy Lee Jones might not care, but I do. I hate spending time scrubbing myself after my shower with…
2020 was an interesting year for me financially. I overpaid my taxes because I figured it was better to be safe than trigger reasons for an audit and cause unnecessary pain. The amount I overpaid was…
Why don't we take the most advanced technology we have and use it to play the simplest game in existence? What if you let kids enjoy technology while scratching their most basic itch? Virtual Reality Hide…
Creating streaks has defined me for the last few years. However, you cannot continuously add things to your daily routine. I decided to evaluate the amount of time it took to do my streaks and the…