Five Years of Stubborn Running

On May 9, 2016, I started a streak that few would believe possible. I ran at least six miles every day. Over 1825 days, rain or shine, in sickness or health. I can't stop. What am…

A New Form of Live Entertainment

TBS revived Wipeut in April. Although it is an extraordinary show for simple entertainment, I want to take it to the next level. Wipeout takes relatively normal people and puts them through an obstacle course that…

White Noise for Real

My wife is an audiologist. This idea would make here sad. People go to sleep to the sound of their favorite TV show, put on a certain playlist, or play "white noise" from an app on…

My Month Without Meat

Seaspiracy pushed me over the edge. I want to get ahead of any backlash before I continue, as I have read many articles talking about the things the movie gets wrong. You should absolutely read these…