I spent much of August, September, October, November, and December 2021 on the road. I shared this journey with my thirteen-year-old son. My son loves the NFL almost as much as he loves geography and history. He is also exceptional in mathematics, although it is not a passion. I am a retired software engineer, but I planned to be a high school mathematics teacher fifteen years ago. I went as far as taking the test for my Illinois Teaching Certificate. However, I never paid the money to find out if I passed or not as I was we decided to move to Colorado.

Before starting the trip, I had high hopes of how excellent our education could be on the road. But, unfortunately, I did not plan enough ahead of time to create the vision I wanted.

I would have liked to create… Epic Field Trip Lesson Plans!

The Pitch
Create a series of learning materials focused on the student being near the taught material.
Perfect Timing
The world continues to go more virtual as each day passes. As a result, the desire for people to travel to given locations in real life has weakened. But the best way to learn about something is to know about it in as many different ways as possible. If you are going to learn about all the state capitals, should you not also be visiting them?

To fully understand the Mississippi River, you should walk its banks.
It’s not just geography and history that can benefit from real-life experiences. For example, you can bring mathematics and science into different road trip experiences. Budgeting and planning are a lot easier when you have to do it.

Let’s figure out how to make learning more flexible and mobile. Let’s learn on the road!