My Dad's birthday is in December, so he usually gets shafted on birthday gifts. He also never really wants anything significant for his birthday or Christmas. This year, I paid back a fraction of what he…
We conclude our three-part series in my current streaks. No Caffeine (111 days in 2024) I'm done tracking my caffeine for now. I may start tracking the actual amount, but I don't feel the need to…
There are so many streaks that I need multiple posts to track all of them. Part 1 Blogging (1412-day streak) My blogs have taken a slight turn for the better. I did a lot of college research,…
Another year, another 365 days of pushing my limits. As the clock ticks down on 2024, it's time to reflect on the streaks that defined my year, the lessons learned, and whether these habits still serve…
If I am one thing, it is a runner. I hide from defining myself, but you are officially a runner when you run as much as I do. How much do I run? 26,000 miles in the last eight years. I…
We conclude our three-part series in my current streaks. No Caffeine (228 days in 2023) I apparently set a goal of 300 days of being caffeine-free. I never checked on this goal. I did worse than…
There are so many streaks that I need multiple posts to track all of them. Part 1 Blogging (1046-day streak) I accepted last year that my blog will never be the world's go-to destination. I mean, my…
I'm going to do the same thing I did last year. Even though I said, I wouldn't do that in my previous post. You need to know where you are before you can see where you…
New Year. New Streaks? Continuing the 2023, 2022, and 2021 traditions, it is time to re-evaluate my streaks. Last year, I committed to pushing myself to be weird, but I failed. I have also found myself taking shortcuts. I will…
My body has been feeling stronger the last few weeks. My tingles have significantly been reduced, and my body no longer has to fight off massive amounts of B vitamins. I discovered that I was poisoning myself by…