How Can You Compete With Quality Inn?

In my recent travels, we've been exposed to a significant amount of hotel chains. Although we have still not stayed at one, we have been impressed by the brand, "Quality Inn." You ever had a great…

It’s A Trap… A Night Trap

I lived in a whole different universe than most kids. My favorite thing was video games, and I was passionate about Sega especially. Using my lawnmower money to buy a Sega CD was my defining moment.…

No More Grocery Carts

Every week your local grocery store publishes its deals, and most Americans ignore them. Maybe you are happy to find steaks are a little cheaper and buy a couple to put in their freezer for the…

Going on a Field Trip

Remember how I have a second website about fictionally traveling to every NFL stadium in one season? Finally, fiction is becoming a reality. My son and I will take to the road, and between August 12…

The Joys of Home Ownership: Part 1

After my wife and I married in 2006, we wanted to live together. So we made that happen in my parent's basement. My parents gave me a large gift earlier that year to help pay for…

Peas in a Bod

In my senior year of college, I started gaining weight. I was unsure of my future, and scoop Chinese, and Mountain Dew became my best friend. My weight ballooned 60 pounds to 225. After I proposed…