Intelligent Bar Ordering

I usually do not drink when I go to my weekly trivia night. Consuming calories after 6 pm is something I generally avoid to allow me to end my intermittent fasting earlier in the morning. I…

Don’t Mess with Water

I took some time to think about my near-death experiences, how many of them involved water, and how many I didn't realize were as dangerous as I convinced myself at the time. I don't remember much…

A Year Without Meat

Last April, our family decided to go a month without consuming anything that required an animal to die. My wife and I have not stopped. I never craved a steak, but I ate my meat like…

Still Not Working

After watching Twilio stick crash from over $450 to under $125 in less than a year, I am still not thinking about going back to work. Go to a good college, get a good job, and…

Why is My Head Cold

Bring stocking caps back. But Tom, stocking caps never went anywhere... I'm not talking about wearing them in normal circumstances. I'm talking about wearing them in bed. The Pitch Create a clothing company dedicated to keeping…

Knowing Your Losses

I've already posted this idea. GambleTrack. I didn't realize it until I finished this post. But no one reads these anyway, so here's version two for you! I gamble. Unlike most gamblers, I want to know…

Game Over: The Game

Back in my day... Arcade companies demanded you to continue feeding their machines quarters. So the longer you spent on the game, the more money the gaming company made. If you died in a video game,…

Food Music Videos

Eating Nestle Crunch bars and playing Kriss Kross Make Your Own Music Video consumed a lot of my life as a 10-year-old. So it makes sense why now, whenever I watch a music video, I think…


I love running. The only piece of equipment I need is shoes, and due to my love of sneakers, it's never a problem for me to have a pair on hand. I also actually enjoy running…